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Kui kirjaga pole kaasas oodatud manust, on vaid winmail.dat nimeline fail, siis probleem on seotud kirja saatja Outlookiga. Soovitame saata kirju text/plain või text/html formaadis (mitte Outlooki enda RTF), ehk on sellest abi.

Täiendavat infot inglise keeles.

Winmail.dat files are in fact TNEF attachments (transport neutral 
encapsulation format) sent by the Microst Outlook, Outlook Express or 
Microsoft Exchange applications. Users from other e-mail clients (like 
Thunderbird or Lotus Notes) cannot read them, neither their 
attachment, as the attachment and e-mail body may be combined into a 
single winmail.dat file. 

For information on winmail.dat files: 

For reading winmail.dat files:

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